

而在國外也有這一類的主張,讓小朋友自己決定他是不是準備好了要接受副食品,如果… 小寶寶可以靠著椅背坐穩、表現對食物有好奇心、看大人吃東西會想要模仿吞嚥動作,以上這些反應即表示小寶寶已經準備好要邁入吃副食品的階段,如果沒有,即使六個月過後,還是不該餵食副食品。

但我個人和認識的醫生們都認為 ~


還有副食品的餵食原則,套一句桑尼媽的話 (不是電視裏的維尼媽),小寶貝是神農,他們要嚐百草。其實是對的,不是出生測出來有過敏反應,就一定對過敏食材過敏,有的小朋友還對十倍粥過敏呢!! 所以原則是要試過才知道,新食材都要以少量來測試3天至1個星期並觀察,才不會引起小寶寶健康上不好的反應唷!

下面的文章給大家分享一下,另外點進下面的網址,還有小兒科黃瑽寧醫師在「請你跟我這樣過」節目中的後段,說明為何四個月開始,為何母乳六個月後比較好的說法 (可以快轉到最後) 。(謝謝一位媽咪在副食品討論中提供這段影片,受用無窮!!)

理不出頭緒的媽咪們, 可以先參考看下面的文章,和網址裏的節目,然後再自行決定唷!! 



祝大家佳節愉快,聖誕快樂!! Merry X'mas 



今天,醫學專家Ric Gordon博士加入我們的隊伍,一同探討醫生們該如何鼓勵家長嬰兒提早給予小寶寶副食品,以幫助減少食物過敏的風險。





 澳洲Westmead兒裏醫院教授Dianne Campbell表示,國家健康與醫學研究委員會正考慮將6個月開始副食品改為4個月。


博士Ana Dosen 從雪梨兒童醫院和聖喬治醫院,在四個月開始副食品並搭配母乳,由副食品帶來更多的蛋白質,對寶寶是最好的。


澳大利亞母乳喂養協會理事長 Louise Duursma 說,六個月的考量,是基於現有的準則,在於寶寶的腸道消化是否發育成熟足夠來吃副食品。

Duursma說,嬰兒早期可以通過他們的母親的母乳接受到許多不同的蛋白質。澳大利亞助產士學院教授 Hannah Dahlen說,這是理想值,但是媽媽純母乳喂養六個月,還有很大空間靈活性。



Solids minimise baby food allergies


TODAY medical expert Dr Ric Gordon joined the team to discuss how doctors are encouraging parents to start their babies on solid foods earlier, to help minimise their risk of developing food allergies.

Doctors are telling parents to feed their babies solids from four months, two months earlier than usually recommended, to minimise the risk of developing food allergies.

Australian guidelines say babies should start solids at six months but immunologists, allergy specialists and paediatricians are pushing for a change to bring Australia into line with the US and Europe.

Specialists from the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Sydney Children's Hospital and The Children's Hospital Westmead say recent studies have shown introducing food from four months instead of six can lower the risk of developing allergies, eczema, asthma and food intolerances.

An analysis of the past decade of research conducted since the World Health Organisation (WHO) set the six-month benchmark was published in the British Medical Journal this year, suggesting guidelines be reviewed.

Professor Dianne Campbell from The Children's Hospital Westmead, said the National Health and Medical Research Council was considering bringing its six-month recommendation forward to four.

"From observational studies it seemed the children who had delayed introduction of solids, like wheat and eggs, looked like they were developing more allergic diseases. From four months, there really is no evidence that delaying the introduction of solids is harmful, and it may be beneficial."

Dr Ana Dosen from Sydney Children's and St George Hospitals, said introducing foreign protein in the form of solids alongside breast milk from four months appeared to be in the best interests of the baby.

But breastfeeding advocates argue six months remains the best time to introduce solids.

Australian Breastfeeding Association NSW president Louise Duursma said existing guidelines took into account whether the baby's gut was ready to digest solids and whether the child was developmentally mature enough to eat food.

Ms Duursma said babies were exposed to different proteins early through their mother's breast milk.

Australian College of Midwives associate professor Hannah Dahlen said it was ideal if mothers exclusively breastfed for six months, but there was room for flexibility.

Robin Barker, a former midwife and author of Baby Love said when to start feeding babies was a source of anxiety for parents.

For more information visit www.dailytelegraph.com.au 



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